Outcome 1 (Recursive Process)Demonstrate the ability to approach writing as a recursive process that requires substantial revision of drafts for content, organization, and clarity (global revision), as well as editing and proofreading (local revision).

To be brutally honest, revision has always been a second thought for my school work. During all of my years in high school I would almost never revise my work. Fortunately enough for me, this worked. When I did revise it would be local revision, this is editing and proofreading for any sentence level errors. I would never, and I mean never do global revision, revise for content, organization, and clarity. I think this is because I would always have it in my head that whatever I first wrote down was what I meant to say and that revising it would kind of take away my initial thoughts. 

Coming into college I knew this had to change, and I think this class specifically helped me understand how to revise. During my time in this class, I was taught the importance of not only revising locally, but also globally. Global revision is very important because you might be thinking of an something, but write it in a way where the reader thinks you mean something else. This actually happen in my third essay (see below).

In the first image you can see how if someone is reading this they may think that I believe that someone shouldn’t be judged for not wearing a mask. When i meant the complete opposite and with an additional detail you can see that in the second image I make it a little more apparent on which side I am on.

In my first ever college paper I of course had to do a lot of revising and on very crucial revision happens in my introduction. 

In my rough draft you can see that my introduction is not well done. One of the things that would boost the quality of this paragraph right away is adding detail on the two sources that I would be using as my foundation for the paper. This would help for two reasons. One being that it makes the paragraph a little longer, which of course is great if I am trying to reach a page count. But, the bigger reason is that if I introduce the two sources a little deeper in the introduction then I won’t have to do it later on and cut into space in my body paragraphs. Below is the final draft after revision.

As you might be able to see, with some revision I was able to improve my writing, but this didn’t come right away. I had to practice revising to become efficient at it. I think throughout this semester I really improved revising and now it is almost essential that I do it in my academic writing now.