No product in life has appeared without a process behind. Which is why I believe a first draft is more about the process. I have a really hard time getting started in my writing and tend to overthink everything I might write down. So, understanding that a first draft is not the product really helps me in the writing process of a paper. If you have ever played a sport or have done anything in your life that requires practice before performance. You can relate a first draft to practice. They are both a time where you are supposed to learn from your mistakes without any true punishment. It is actually encouraged that you make mistakes because that’s how you become better at whatever you are doing.
I wish I could agree that a first draft is more about the process than it is the product in regards to my own first drafts, but from past experiences, this is not true. Most of the time I try to get everything perfect in my first draft so I don’t have to go back and make a second or third draft. I hope to change this during my time in college and really strengthen my writing and I think a big part of it is understanding that the first draft is about trusting the process and not about the finished product.